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m Shadow of a Man
Breaking Darkness with Light
Brings Eternal Love
m The Shadow Dances
As the Light Shines on his Truth
His Soul Rejoices
By Anne Walsh & Mary Ann Howard


October 27, 2020

After riding the rollercoaster to phenomenal success never seen before in the music industry, The Beatles world suddenly changed in the fall of 1966. Their most popular bass player and songwriter, Paul McCartney, was missing for five days in early November. When his band mates were told Paul died in a car accident, John Lennon knew there was more to the untold story. Behind the scene of Beatlemania, Paul lived a private and mysterious life that led to his death. Now his best mates are left to search for the truth that forever changed their lives and the lives of all who knew him. Was his death a car accident or a homicide? What really happened to Beatle James Paul McCartney, M.B.E? Paul’s light shone on all that knew him. Now we are left to carry his torch and shine his light on the truth once again so the Shadow of Paul can rest in peace.
By Anne Walsh & Mary Ann Howard

La Sombra De Un Bajista

December 30, 2021

Después de subirse a la montaña rusa hacia un éxito fenomenal nunca antes visto en la industria de la música, el mundo de los Beatles cambió repentinamente en el otoño de 1966. Su bajista y compositor más popular, Paul McCartney, estuvo desaparecido durante cinco días a principios de noviembre. Cuando a sus compañeros de banda les dijeron que Paul murió en un accidente automovilístico, John Lennon supo que había más en la historia no contada. Detrás de las escenas de la Beatlemanía, Paul vivió una vida privada y misteriosa que lo llevó a la muerte. Ahora sus mejores amigos deben buscar la verdad que cambió para siempre sus vidas y las vidas de todos los que los conocieron. ¿Fue su muerte un accidente automovilístico o un homicidio? ¿Qué le pasó realmente al Beatle James Paul McCartney, M.B.E.?
La luz de Paul iluminó a todos los que lo conocían. Ahora nos queda llevar su antorcha y hacer brillar su luz sobre la verdad una vez más para que la sombra de Pablo pueda descansar en paz.
By Anne Walsh & Mary Ann Howard


December 3, 2021

The Shadow of a Bass Man series continues with Paul Lennon left alone to carry the weight of being the only son of the deceased Beatle, Paul McCartney. After the murder of John Lennon, his adopted son, Paul, sets out on a path to expose the truth about his father’s murder in 1966 carried out by the shadow government. Paul’s quest uncovers many conspiracies that are linked back to his father’s death proving nothing is real including what really happened at the time of John Lennon’s murder. We live in a matrix of illusion. In the end Paul Lennon discovers he is merely a pawn in the shadow government’s chess game giving them all the power to call ‘Checkmate’.
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